qalabka loo shaqeeyaha

siyaasadaha qoyska-saaxiibtinimo: u fiican ganacsiga, u fiican maskaxda
Loo-shaqeeyayaasha taageera shaqaalaha iyo carruurtooda waxay maal-gelinayaan kooxahooda, dhaqankooda goobta shaqada - iyo mustaqbalka aan wadaagno. Hadda in ka badan weligii way caddahay doorarka shaqaalaha sida waalidka/daryeelayaasha ay ku dhex milmeen doorkooda shaqaale ahaan.
Mashruuca Itasca , isbahaysiga qaybaha kala duwan ee loo shaqeeyayaasha, ayaa bilaabay
Hindisaha 1,000 ka maalmood ee ugu horreeya si loo caawiyo kor u qaadista wacyiga loo shaqeeyaha ee saameynta nolosha dheer ee khibradaha hore ee dhalmada ka hor ilaa da'da 3 - iyo muhiimada
doorka ay ciyaaraan.
Sida ururkaagu u caawin karo:
Kor u qaad wacyiga daqiiqadaha yar ee tirinta agabka
Qaado siyaasadaha saaxiibtinimada qoyska, oo uu hagayo agabka loo-shaqeeyahayaga
Ku biir u doodayaasha si ay u taageeraan qoysaska ugu baahida badan
The Narrative | KRSM | 98.9 FM
The Narrative amplifies the voices, stories, cultures and conversations happening in our neighborhoods, focusing on communities that have been historically ignored, misrepresented and erased by traditional media.
I’M AWAKE | Native Roots Radio | AM950 |
I’M AWAKE is a weekly Native American talk radio show that discusses local, regional and national Native American news and events. Local and national guests help keep us current with Mother Earth, Tribal and Political issues across all of Turtle Island.
Native American issues are human Issues.
The Afternoon Drive | KMOJ Radio | 89.9 FM
The Afternoon Drive with Walter "Q Bear" Banks, Jr. airs on KMOJ FM Radio, a community radio station in Minneapolis, MN. Banks has been broadcasting the Minneapolis sound at the station for more than 40 years and will be interviewing Little Moments Count partners for insights on early childhood development.
La Raza | KMNV | 94.7 FM & 1400 AM
La Raza 94.7FM and 1400 AM - KMNV is a broadcast radio station from Minneapolis, MN. It is Latina-owned and operated, providing original programming, Latino music, and information to the community for over 10 years.
Frogtown Community Radio | WFNU | 94.1 FM
WFNU-LP Frogtown Community Radio, broadcasting at 94.1FM in Saint Paul and online worldwide, is a volunteer-run station offering a diverse mix of talk and music shows 24/7. Our mission is to amplify Frogtown's voices, often marginalized in mainstream media, by offering local news, perspectives, and music while celebrating community diversity through our dedicated team of hosts and DJs.