qalabka loo shaqeeyaha

think small parent powered text program
Research shows when parents participate in this program their children become better prepared for kindergarten and future learning. Tips for fun brain-building activities and parent support included too.

u beddel daqiiqadaha maalinlaha ah waqtiyo waxbarasho oo ilmahaaga
Hel saddex fariimo qoraal todobaadkii oo leh xaqiiqooyin xiiso leh oo ku saabsan horumarka ilmahaaga, oo ku salaysan taariikhda dhalashadooda, iyo talooyin fudud oo ku saabsan barashada ula kac ah ee waqtiyada maalinlaha ah sida wakhtiga cunto fudud, dukaamaysiga cuntada iyo wakhtiga jiifka.
Isdiiwaangelinta Think Small ParentPowered Texts waa bilaash waana sahlan tahay. u qor LMC 70138. isticmaal koodka LMC ESP si loo helo Isbaanishka iyo LMC SOM ee Soomaaliga.

ParentPowered Text Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: Through the generous support from Target, and the Bush Foundation, we are able to offer this program to Minnesota families at no cost. Your information will never be shared or sold. By signing up for Think Small ParentPowered Texts (the “Program”), you agree to (ii) the Parent Powered PBC Terms of Use available at and Privacy Policy available at, and (iii) receive approximately three Think Small ParentPowered Texts text messages per week from 70138. By signing up, you confirm that you want Parent Powered to send you information we think may be of interest to you, which involves Parent Powered using automated dialing technology to text you at the cell phone number you provided. While there is absolutely no cost for enrolling, data & message rates may apply. You can cancel your receipt of Think Small ParentPowered Texts text messages at any time by texting STOP to 70138. For help with Think Small ParentPowered Texts text HELP to 70138 or email us at